
Fundación General CSIC

Contracting process of the General Foundation CSIC for works on Ageing is open

Abierto el proceso de contratación de la Fundación General CSIC para trabajos sobre envejecimiento

The General Foundation CSIC (FGCSIC) opens a process of hiring interdisciplinary research on ageing within the framework of the project "International Centre on Ageing" (CENIE), virtual centre of Iberian and international collaboration in the field, which develops a Hispanic-Portuguese consortium to which the FGCSIC belongs, together with the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, the University of the Algarve and the General Directorate of Health of Portugal.

The "International Centre on Ageing" is part of the INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal Cooperation Programme (POCTEP) 2014-2020, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), whose purpose is to promote interregional cooperation between both countries in its borderline to improve the quality of life of its citizens. In this context, CENIE's mission is to promote research, technological development and innovation on ageing, contributing to the development and deployment of an excellent research network whose results may be of interest for said area.

The ageing of the population is a phenomenon that affects better part of the European territories, being more pressing in countries such as Spain and Portugal and, above all, in its border areas that today are characterized by the depopulation and consequent ageing of their mostly rural communities.

Procedure to follow

The procedure of competitive concurrence for the contracting of interdisciplinary research on ageing will be open to public and private non-profit entities, with their own legal personality, that carries out R&D activities, defined in their statutes as a main activity, and that generate scientific or technological knowledge.

The research work will be framed in one of the following thematic axes: long and healthy lives, inclusive and enabling societies, or well-being and activity throughout the whole course of life. They should be developed within the 2018 and 2019 exercises and will be carried out under the modality of coordinated programs that ensure interdisciplinarity.

Each coordinated program will consist of a minimum of two and a maximum of four individual projects to be carried out by two research teams. The maximum amount of hiring for each coordinated program will be 100,000 euros, with 50,000 being the maximum budget of each individual project that composes it.

The deadline to submit proposals ends on December 19, 2017